Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kindergarten memories

25 years ago I was in kindergarten in Nova Scotia.
I have a few memories, here they are:

-I was living in Dartmouth at the time and had to drive one hour on the bus sitting three by seats as kindergarten to grade 13 drove on the same bus.
-In winter there was always a kid that puked on the bus.
-The school was on a military base.
-There was rats in the school yard (huge rats)
-In my class room we had a giant dog with a yellow fisherman's hat that had the date on his belly.
-Every morning we sang the national anthem.
-There was a convenience store that sold cinnamon flavored toothpick in pack of 10.
-A boy stuck his tongue on a metal post, it froze there and he pulled it off(ewwww)
-I had twins in my class that ate chalk.
-We did little Christmas stockings and hung them over a fake fire place we had in the class room.
-We got shots for chicken pox and they gave us lollipops.
-We were not aloud to talk English on the playground as it was a french school.

So do you guys have any souvenirs of your first year of school?

Saturday, August 29, 2009


I forgot I took this picture on the way home form Edmonton.
A sunrise on a plane is pretty impressive.
All seems so calm and so perfect over the clouds.
Yet the engine was making a hell of a noise and damn it was cold.
Sure felt nice to see our home form up there.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Saying goodbye

Last night I had to say goodbye to my best friend.
I spent the afternoon and evening with her packing boxes and gigling about stuff.

Then around 11h30, my boyfriend called to know when I was coming all hit me, the time was there I had to leave and say goodbye.
Even before I hung up tears were rolling down my cheeks.
Then she saw me, I could not hold myself anymore.
Rivers went down my cheeks, lower lip just started to shake like crazy.
I was like a 5 year old, heart broken that my best friend was moving away.
I cried all the way home and cried myself to sleep.

This morning I look terrible and I still have tears coming up to my eyes.
I am very happy that she is following her dreams, I just wish they were a little closer.

I love you Dom xxx

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Vaccin H1N1

Plus ca va plus les médias parle de la campagne de vaccination qui se prépare.
Le gouvernement dit avoir près de 300 millions de vaccins près. Il demande même au médecin et infirmière à la retraite de se porter volontaire le temps de la campagne.

Je ne me suis jamais fait vacciné pour la grippe et je n'ai que la grippe une fois pas 7-8 ans. Il suffit simplement de se laver les mains régulièrement et de ne pas porter rien à sa bouche (vos mains, crayons, ect..)

Donc lorsque la période de vaccination sera débutée, allez-vous vous faire vacciner?

Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24th

Is it me or do some people think that summer is over already?
Halloween candy is already out at the grocery store.
Theres a guy that was drying toques and mittens on his clothes line near work.
No more summer clothes in the stores.
What's next people putting up their Tempo's?
Damn people we are still in August!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Je ne vais pas régulièment sur ce site, mais chaque fois que je cherche un appart, j'y trouve des trésors.
Ils ont modifiés l'apparence du site et je ne le trouve plus aussi ' user friendly'
Et vous le nouveau site vous plait-il?

Friday, August 21, 2009


I have a food problem. I just cant stop eating.
I eat all the time. I eat loads of bad shit.
Even ate frosting with a spoon directly out of the container.
I try to chew gum, but it doesn't work.
Tried drinking water, doesn't work.
I just want to eat all the time.
My stomach hurts because it's hungry.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Une coupe 2ieme partie

J'aime bien Sandra Bullock, voici quelques'une de ses têtes.
Laquelle m'irait bien selon vous? 1, 2 ou 3?




Sunday, August 9, 2009

Une coupe ???

J'ai envie d'une coupe. De changer de tête. Oser ce que l'on m'a toujours dit que je ne pourrais pas avoir à défaut d'avoir trop de cheveux.
Qu'en pensez-vous?
Est-ce que ca m'irais bien?
Est-ce que je devrais?

Saturday, August 1, 2009


It's 6 am. Damn it early.
I barely slept, mostly because of the nerves but because of allergies, snorring and the cat taking over the bed.
Ok fear of being sick on the plane it's you against me one more time.