Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Even if I have been blogging for a little while I am still fairly new to the world of blogging.
Lately I discovered the ‘’Next Blog’’ button and this is how I discovered many of you.
Then I realise that I could actually follow you guys without keep you in my list of favourites on my computer (as you must know my computer sucks and I am about to change it)
Then I realise that I could add the Followers box to my blog and see if I had followers. And I do! Not many but I do :)
This blogging world is like therapy to me and I am happy to know that I do have some people that check up on me once is a while even if I have some boring posts or French posts.
Thank you to all of you Followers and non official followers :)


Josie said...

Ouin.. y'en a qui sont anonymes mais qui te suivent tout autant :)

Bien contente que ce soit une thérapie positive :)

Caro said...

C'est ca que je disais les 'non official followers' :)

Andhari said...

You should use google reader too! So much nicer to check out new posts there rather than from blogger dashboard :D