Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ever tried...

I have been thinking about acupuncture and many people around me do recommend it. I'm not afraid of needles, but I don't see how putting needles through my skin can make me feel better. Isn't voodoo the same and it hasn't ever done any good from what I've heard. I took an appointment next Monday; I'll let you know how it goes.

What about hypnosis? Again lots of people around me tell me that it could cure some of my phobias. I've read about it a lot and from what I've discovered it takes many sessions to start having an effect and it is if it does work on you as not everyone can get hypnotized.

So have ever tried either? or any similar practices?


Ren said...

Je viens de me bloquer le dos... l'acupuncture, peut-être, mais le yoga me semble plus prudent. Mais il ne faut pas s'attendre aux miracles...

Venassa said...

I've never had either but I am super curious about hypnosis to cure phobias. My life would be so much easier at times if I could get rid of my phobia of throwing up.
Can't wait to hear about the acupuncture. I've always wondered about it.

carrie1 said...

I read an article the other day.. and I meant to email it to you. But it said that when you start to feel your anxiety come on you should lay down in a dark room... with either nature sounds or classical music for 30 -45 mins. =) I told you, that you needed to get a noise make with nature sounds on it.. they are the BEST!

BL said...

Tu m'as fait rire avec ton rapprochement entre l'acupuncture et le voodoo! :-)

Pour l'hypnose, c'est drôle car on en parlait avec des amis en fin de semaine. Il paraît que certaines femmes accouchent sous hypnose, donc sans tranquilisants ni médication. En effet, ça prend quelques séances pour faire effet.