The past few days I have been in pain.
One of my wisdom tooth has come out and is ready to get pulled.
At the moment it is sideways, so basically each time I move my jaw I am chewing the inside of my cheek. Apprently in my sleep I did the worst damage by sleeping on that side and this is where the pain is all coming from. I can barely open my mouth.
Thank god I do not have any infection, because I am allergic to the 2 meds they could give me. I dont know what would happen.
So tomorrow I am getting it pulled and I am scared shitless even if I had another one pulled in the past and it went well. D will be coming with me and the dentists assistant is my cousin.
I have been eating mushy food, milk shakes and Motrins (what a horrible diet)
On a positive note I got a letter in the mail from my blogger friend Sam, it took away the pain for a few minutes. Thanks Sam :)
Wish me luck for tomorrow.
Are you getting knocked out????
I hope you feel better soon! I remember getting all four of mine out at once I looked like a garbage pail <--s.p kid!
Good luck tomorrow!
A guy on my team at work was having an issue with a wisdom tooth the other week. It made me realise I don't think I HAVE any wisdom teeth.
if so, I'm quite glad...
I'm sorry for the pain. I'm glad it's not infected! I'd enjoy a diet of milkshakes, but it's definitely not the healthiest thing to eat. I hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow!
I had the four of mine out one shot and it wasn't so bad. So I'm sure everything will be ok for you tomorrow. :-)
Good luck! You'll be fine and feeling much better soon!
I sorry! It really does suck. I had my four wisdom teeth and my four back molars taken out all at the same time... that is 8 at one time. It was not too bad. I will keep ya in my thoughts!!
Good luck! I know exactly how you feel! I had all four taken out at one time. Feel better soon!!
I keep putting that off...until that point where I REALLY need to get rid of my wisdom teeth
I hope it goes/went well!
Yikes. I have 2 wisdom teeth and they are both coming in. And without dental insurance I am just PRAYING they chill out for a good, long while.
i'll be thinking of you. i have my one week check-up this morning for my wisdom teeth...hope everything goes well!
Good luck! I had all 4 of mine pulled at once, it wasnt THAT bad!
You will feel better in the long run!!
I hope you feel better ! I got my wisdom teeth taken out when I was 20 like a week before thanksgiving..that was the worse. lol..when you feel better stop by I have an award for you !!
Ugh and to think I'll have to do it too, I can feel them growing inside my mouth. Good luck!
Everything will be ok!! so sorry about the pain! I just had 2 taken out a few months ago (i didn't have all 4) and I was a bit freaked out about it...turns out it was pretty easy peasy!!
Good luck tomorrow!! Take it easy and get better soon!!
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