Saturday, February 13, 2010

Panic attacks

A few years ago I used to do multiple panic attacks one after the other for the stupidest things. Up to a point there was some road I was avoiding to take to go to work in case I needed to pull over to throw up.

I've been doing good the past few years, but lately they have been coming back.
I feel like I cant breathe, I cant sleep properly, I cant say what is on my mind.
My stomach is always upset and the weirdest things of all I cant cry anymore.
I am a crier. I cry for everything, when I happy, when I am mad or sad.

What is wrong with me? I don't think I need to go see a shrink again, not yet. I still feel I am strong enough...maybe I just need a vacation (in 28 days)


L'impulsive montréalaise said...

You know, if you're strong enough, maybe that's the time to go. So you can really work on it and not just cry in the office. Hope for you that everything will stop. Think about what give you stress now maybe...

Claudine said...

Everybody has those days. Just stay strong and try to look at the brighter side of life. I am like you, I cry at everything, so you're not the only one.

Josie said...

Comme dit l'impulsive Montréalaise, vas-y pendant que tu es encore forte. Tu sauras capter les éléments, les outils et tu seras assez forte pour les appliquer tout de suite!

Les crises sont là pour une raison : t'avertir.

C'est le temps d'agir bella.

Christa @ Little Us said...

I hope it's just that you need a vacation! They can always work wonders for me. I hope you feel better. I know anxiety can be the worst kind of feelings to have!

Spatzi said...

I cry anytime I am being emotionally honest from the heart. Makes my boyfriend cringe that my eyes tear up and my voice gets throaty anytime I am telling him how much he means to me.

Anonymous said...

Don't be afraid to go talk to someone. Panic attacks can be debilitating and its best to try to manage them now so that they don't gradually begin to gain control over you. Good luck!!!

Valerie said...

Panic attacks are scary. I hope they go away for you!

Annie said...

poor thing! I hope that you are feeling back to normal soon!!

Pamela said...

i only started getting anxiety last year, in the lead up to our wedding, but its not gone away! i use to jsut get a twitchy eye and tired if i got stressed/paniced, but now i have flutterings in my chest and its horrible.. i swaar by Dr Bachs Rescue Rememedy if you can get your hands on some of that. x